Bulk bag
All bulk landscaping products can be packaged in a one cubic yard tote for pickup or delivery.
Landscaping Supplies – Bulk Bags
No hassle cleanup, no messy piles.
We are specialists in sand, gravel, and stone in all sizes, decorative rock, flagstone, as well as topsoil, garden mix and an assortment of mulch. Types of soil and mulch include:
- Basic Screened Soil
- Premium Top Soil
- Garden Mix
- Shredded Cedar Mulch
- Acreage Mulch
- Charcoal Black Mulch
- Chocolate Brown Mulch
- Large Bulk Nuggets
Bulk Product Catalogue
Ask about our delivery options
- Can be delivered over your fence, up to 35ft.
- Discounts provided when multiple bags are purchased.
- No hassle cleanup, no messy piles.
- Product can be “poured” into the needed location.
Available for pickup and delivery, options include:
Top Soil
Everything from local field and river stone to our selection of decorative rocks.
10mm OR 20mm – used for drainage, weeping tile and basic ground cover
Alberta Mulch
Used as a joint filling material for paving stones, or for sandboxes.
Road Crush
Ranging in size from 10mm, 20mm to 40mm.